
This repository tries to include most of the boilerplate code needed to develop gRPC APIs using Go and gRPC. Some of the important features are: REST/HTTP gateway(developed usig grpc-gateway), Logging, Authentication/Authorization, Rate Limiting, etc.


  1. gRPC API alongwith the REST/HTTP API built using grpc-gateway.
  2. Services

    Currently, three services are supported:

    • Identity Service:

      This enables the user to perform actions such as: creating User, deleting the User, updating his/her info. and fetch Users by Id or whole. The operations are authorized depending on User permissions and such.

      • POST /v1/users Create a new user with unique Username, email and other such details.
      • GET /v1/users Lists all the users present at the given time.
      • PUT /v1/users/{username} Update the User with specified username.
      • DELETE /v1/users/{username} Deletes the User with specified username.
      • GET /v1/users/{username} Fetch the details of User with specified username.
    • Auth Service:

      A simple authentication service for User verification.

      • POST /v1/auth/login Takes user input (Username & Password) to generate a token.
    • Movie Service:

      This enables the user to perform following activities: inserting a Movie, deleting Movie, updating its info. and/or fetching Movies by Id or as a whole. The operations are authorized depending on User permissions and such.

      • POST /v1/movies Adds a new Movie with unique Name, Tags, Summary and other such details. This returns the generated id for the inserted Movie.
      • GET /v1/movies Lists all the Movies present at the given time.
      • PUT /v1/movies/{id} Update an already present Movie with new values.
      • DELETE /v1/movies/{id} Delete an existing Movie with given ID.
      • GET /v1/movies/{id} Fetches the movie with given ID.
  3. Unit Tests


  4. Documentation

    Visit here to view the documentation of Services. Search for the service you like to explore (e.g: IdentityService-0.1.yaml, AuthService-0.1.yaml, or MovieService-0.1.yaml )

    Documentation will be updated as per the modifications and changes in business logic. Also, the documentation is auto-generated. Hence, less focus may be there in some scenarios.

  5. Rate Limiting

    The middleware to rate limit requests has been applied. By default, it is 2requests/min. To modify the limit, update RefreshDuration and QueriesPerInterval in this file.

  6. Pagination

    The concept of pagination has been supported for List calls such as GET v1/movies.
    Query Parameters such as page_size and page_token are supported for List calls. The response returns a next_page_token as well.

Developing locally


  1. Golang v1.16+
  2. go protobuf tools (to generate code from proto files)


  1. Clone the repository to your desired location.
     git clone
  2. Make changes to the proto files as per your need and run the below command to generate Go files.
     make gen
  3. Update the server and client with your business logic
  4. To run the server, use the following command:
     make run


The ms-template can be installed by building your local Docker image or simply by installing form source using Go.


The pre-requisite for this process is the requirement of Docker (to be installed locally). Hence, install Docker if not already installed.


  1. Clone the repository to your desired location.
     git clone
  2. Now, lets build the Docker image locally using:
     make docker-build
  3. Then, to run the container use:
     make docker-run

    Now, you should be able to access the REST API at localhost:8081 and gRPC API at localhost:8082.

This will first build a docker image locally. Please keep calm as the process may take a few minutes. Then, it goes on to run the image in a container (in the background) and you shoul be able to check the container named ms-server using docker ps.

To stop the container, use:

  make docker-stop

Local installation

  1. Clone the repository to your desired location.
     git clone
  2. Run the following command to make an executable file named ms-server in the same directory.
     make build